Fear, peace, radical honesty + naps on stormy boats -- I’ve learned over the years that my brain interprets things quite literally. Which is interesting when it comes to Bible stories. I grew up hearing this magical story where Jesus took a nap in a boat during a storm. So I assumed that’s what faith should feel like. Even when life is really hard, God helps me feel relaxed and calm.
Thank you, Jenny. Your piece is why I turned to Thich Nhat Hahn and the Four Noble Truths. Where I love the church I grew up in and engaged in Chistian contemplation I felt there was nothing offered in accepting wisely the first noble truth, there is suffering, period. The second noble truth is to seek to understand it's roots and dispel ignorance. The Third and Fourth have to do with continuing with growth and trust in a deeper kind of peace. You pretty much followed that process in your sermon and it takes diligence. Thank you for doing your inner work. Now to do mine ...and serve. Christ is alive.
Thank you, Jenny. Your piece is why I turned to Thich Nhat Hahn and the Four Noble Truths. Where I love the church I grew up in and engaged in Chistian contemplation I felt there was nothing offered in accepting wisely the first noble truth, there is suffering, period. The second noble truth is to seek to understand it's roots and dispel ignorance. The Third and Fourth have to do with continuing with growth and trust in a deeper kind of peace. You pretty much followed that process in your sermon and it takes diligence. Thank you for doing your inner work. Now to do mine ...and serve. Christ is alive.