In honor of autism acceptance month -- Apparently April is autism awareness month. It feels weird to write a post about this. There was nothing about exploring my neurotype that felt like, “Awesome - now I can participate in another awareness raising activity.” It felt more like peeling back a million assumptions, patterns, and stereotypes while fighting for my deepest self. More like an epic internal quest than a social media campaign.
"Yes, autistic traits show up in the general population to some degree. But an attempt to connect with an autistic person and find common ground this way deeply undermines their lived reality." I have heard this comment which reminds me of the "all lives matter" matter comment. It is not helpful for deep listening and fruitful dialogue.
I deeply resonate with the effect Nature has... with the sense of myself that shows up in Nature. It's undemanding Presence. The calm. Highly sensitive humans is a gift to Nature too.x
"Yes, autistic traits show up in the general population to some degree. But an attempt to connect with an autistic person and find common ground this way deeply undermines their lived reality." I have heard this comment which reminds me of the "all lives matter" matter comment. It is not helpful for deep listening and fruitful dialogue.
I deeply resonate with the effect Nature has... with the sense of myself that shows up in Nature. It's undemanding Presence. The calm. Highly sensitive humans is a gift to Nature too.x
It feels so good to see myself in the experiences you share.
Thank you for this
Wow, thank you for this post which so deeply resonates with me, Jenny. Golly.