Here’s a poem for the joys and ache of kid birthdays. Watching kids age is bizarre.
It’s so fast.
It’s so slow.
Poetry is one way we grasp at time, forcing our hearts to pay attention to this moment, because we know how fleeting it all is.
Sending love to you, my dear readers, as we show up and pay attention to the holy and difficult moments in front of us today.
if tears could stop time
these droplets of grief
would keep you nine forever
minecraft and snuggles
backward shirts and grins
dirty fingernails and real questions
this mama heart
aches for all of you
i’ve held in my arms
your imprint within reach
but not for much longer i fear
so this birthday
i remember again
that you’ve always been a gift
meant to be passed on
a gift that changes me
a gift that molds me into love
a gift to be enjoyed
love aches
love holds
love releases
love trusts
All of those things are true. My sons are middle aged now. One of the hardest things for me is the release part (when we dropped them off at college and now letting go every time we’re together and I see them drive away for home.