dr tiffany teaches us
that oppression is
like a tug of warif both parties
are pulling taut
on the rope
the game continuesif someone is
continually oppressing
you and you’re
continually reacting
to that oppression
the rope is taut
and the game continuesbut imagine —
what would happen
if one part decided
to let go?the game only
operates if both
people are resisting
one anotherthe moment either
one decides to release
the game ends
for bothimagine a group of people
deciding to drop the rope
and instead creating the world
they dream of through
joy and intentionmaybe
minding your own business
is one form of resistance
to an oppressive energy
that would love to keep you
playing the game of outrage
division and
hateit’s okay to drop the rope
and instead choose
new dreams
for all
There She Is
It’s been almost a week since There She Is came into our little world. This review on Amazon brought tears to my eyes.
You all are the absolute best. Thank you for welcoming these little poems into your world with such kindness.
It’s forever wild that words I tap into my phone that help me make sense of something can then speak into another life in a wholly different way.
Life is amazing like that.
Much love,